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Terms & Conditions

Click here to complete the Client information and Terms & Conditions form


Prior to grooming any dog, we politely ask that dogs are walked, exercised and toileted. We expect the occasional accident, but would appreciate your help in avoiding this! We find that grooming a well exercised and relaxed dog is more enjoyable (and time efficient) for both dog and groomer.


We understand that things happen and life can get in the way. If you are running late for your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. Late cancellations, no-shows and late appointment amendments are expensive and hard to fill at short notice. However, we do run a 48 hrs 'adequate notice policy'. Require cancellations/amendments to be given at least 48 hrs before your scheduled appointment and during opening hours.  This allows us to reschedule both you and your dog’s groomer.

Failure to adhere to this policy will incur a 50% charge of the cost of the final grooming fee. This fee will need to be paid before your next groom can be booked and may also affect your ability to book with us in the future. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to this rule. This allows us to continue running to the highest standard and affords us the time yours and every other dog that day requires… for that “One on One” service.


Booking an appointment with us constitutes a contract under the terms below, by reserving a set amount of time for employing our services. That time is then set aside exclusively for you! Charges are not incurred when adequate notice of 48 hrs has be given. 

Should you be unable to attend, you must give us a minimum of 48 hrs notice, this allows us time to adjust schedules and book out your cancelled appointment. Simply failing to turn up for your appointment inevitably causes extreme inconvenience and a waste of time for that period which you exclusively booked and costly for any small business .



Dogs can show aggression for numerous reasons, anxiety, fear, dominance, pain and sometimes due to a negative experience in previous grooming. The list is endless! 

We don't shy away from challenging or aggressive dogs, but we do ask for full transparency and disclosure. This way we can arrange appointments around your pets specific needs, perhaps a first or last appointment of the day or simply by using one of our other groomers. Often, confidence and trust building is the key, so coming to visit the groomers for no other reason than a biscuit or a tickle may help. Whatever the challenge we will give every dog a chance here, and will exhaust every avenue to provide the best grooming experience possible.


It is our policy to only work out matting/felting on your dog for a period of no longer than a 20 mins.  This is in line with The Animal Welfare Act 2006. It's neglectful to allow your dog's coat to continually matt and as groomers we can not undo extensive matting caused by not maintaining your pets coat at home. Matting can cause of pain and discomfort and can in sever cases lead to illness, infection, parasitical infestation that go undiscovered and in severe cases further health issues.

We will work with all clients to educate, free matts' and maintain coats to a high standard where supported and able. If necessary a complete "shave off" may be our only option, for the welfare of a dog. When this is required we will only continue when a shaving consent is provided and if we feel we are not placing the dog under duress, discomfort or harm. In cases where we feel that de-dematting may cause duress, discomfort or harm we will advice veterinary intervention.  


It is our responsibility to ensure the safety of all dogs in our care, groomers and even you. Therefore we do charge a fee for dogs that take more time due to behaviour issues, this will be discussed at the consultation.


Whilst we love having dogs in our salon, we politely remind customers that we do not run a pet sitting service, nor do we have the license to do so. Owners of pets left for longer than 15 mins after their grooming session has finished, will be charged at a rate of £10 per 15 mins and kept securely  for their own and other dogs safety. It is with regret that we have to add this charge, however we always act within animal welfare regulations and your dog still requires staff time and expertise to be kept calm and have all it's needs met in line with those regulations. This may be as simple as a dog needing to be walked for toileting by a insured member of staff.


Hitchhikers in pet fur is a common problem, especially through the hot summer months. There is no charge for the odd tick removal, but large infestations of any parasites will incur a fee that will be discussed with your groomer. It is also advisable that after treatment for parasite removal that the area is closely watched and you seek veterinary advice. Our charge will cover the cost of the parasitic treatment of your pet and the necessary pesticidal deep cleaning of the salon after your pet leaves.

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